Thursday, April 5, 2018

Update: Day 5 Nano -- and a little talk about the weather

First, the weather. Today will be 60 degrees. Tomorrow it's supposed to snow -- about an inch. Saturday -- about an inch. Sunday -- 1-3 inches. In April. I have planted peas and lettuce, and they're sleeping in their plant beds. The daffodils will pop up in the snow and shiver. WHO ORDERED THIS WEATHER?!

Oh, the weather outside is frightful,
but the fire is so delightful
It's the middle of April, so
No to snow, no to snow, no to snow!

A friend pointed out that this snow precludes Missourians' favorite (heavily ironic) seasonal weather -- tornadoes. I commented that there's nothing keeping us from having a Snownado.


I'm keeping up with my personal pace of 2000 words, which would get me done with Camp NaNo in half the time. I'm doing it because camp cuts into finals week, and I get really busy then.

My favorite description so far: When Grace describes a well-renowned American hotel's color scheme as "Crayola factory, garden party version". Honestly, I used to want to be able to afford this hotel until I saw the pictures. I'll just buy the travel trailer when I get rich.

I would be remiss if I didn't mention the Kindle Scout campaign. I don't know how well I'm doing, because I haven't had a refresh on stats since yesterday morning. But I still welcome you to nominate me and spread the word:

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