Wednesday, April 18, 2018

Wrestling with my Problem Child, part 2

Through a series of edits and rewrites, the novel Gaia's Hands (about 90,000 words) has been reduced to a tight novella with a feeling of impending doom -- and impending resurrection.

I do not know where that novella came from, except that I think it was lurking at the edges of the novel I wrote, with the symbolism pointing in that direction, but my not having the guts to go there. I think there's a tinge of my mood in the middle of Trump's presidency and its unrestrained pro-business stance. My story has become in many ways dystopian, where fear and threats rule the day for those who are different.

The source material is almost five years old. I've been struggling with it for years -- as my first novel, it probably lacked  voice. After some serious, intense editing and a painful and beautiful ending, I don't know if it has its own identity yet. But it's a lot tighter, a lot more poignant, and I hope it's a good story.

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