Tuesday, April 10, 2018


More than anything, I think the thing that inspires me when it comes to writing is the potential a story has. The potential to be read or heard, the potential to speak to someone's condition, the potential to make someone laugh.

This is more important to me that simply writing for the joy of it. For me, the joy is from a human interacting with the humanity of my stories. My love of stories predates my love of writing, coming from a family where both sides excelled in their kind of stories. My dad's family told hunting stories with a sense of slapstick and absurdity, except for the Native American tale about sacred white deer disguised as something my Grandfather had witnessed. My mother's family loved wordplay, and very often my grandmother served as the "straight guy" a la vaudeville who would set up the play on words.

When I write characters, I want to bring them home for dinner and have a dinner party. When I write themes, I ask myself if they will entwine into my readers' lives and change them. When I write plots, I think of my family stories and how they walked me into surprising places.

It's good for me to think about why I write.

The situation is that I don't have much patience. Much perseverance, but not much patience. Oh, well, I forgot to get that when I grew up. I'm trying new things now, like maybe small press even though I will be lucky to get 100 readers, and Wattpad, which is the massive marketplace of ideas with no curator.

Find me on Wattpad -- you have to subscribe, but it's free. Read my story collection as it develops. Say hi. Feel moved to interact with me.


And if you want to write me? lleachie AT gmail.com

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