Thursday, April 19, 2018

Alpha males.

I'm beginning to hate the phrase.

This morning I got a friend request on Facebook from someone who is most certainly an Internet scammer. Tipoffs: He's pictured in military uniform with a military background. He lists his home as three different places in Africa so he's apparently doing something dangerous, and to sweeten the deal, he's widowed.

In other words, he's the perfect romance novel hero.

I once got rejected by Harlequin because my story needed a hero who was 
  1. older than the heroine; 
  2. richer than the heroine and 
  3. more powerful than the heroine.

In other words, an alpha male, and the female protagonist is his dazzled (and subservient) woman.

Is this what I, a female, am supposed to fall for? If this supposed to be my fantasy? As a highly educated female, and one who lives in voluntary simplicity, my male won't be alpha, but egalitarian. He might be dark and brooding, but smart enough to learn how to manage his own feelings. He might be an entrepreneur or a college professor or a social worker, but what he contributes is complementary skills.

It's not sexy enough, where sexy is defined as a female so desirable the lone wolf tears off her clothes and pledges to change (but not enough to get a social work job). The female is thrilled to find her needs will be taken care of and she won't have to be challenged at work anymore.

I probably will never write a romance novel again.

And I rejected Alpha Military Man for the third time. Who falls for these guys anyhow?

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