Thursday, June 29, 2017

Comments Are Welcome

I've noticed that one of my readers comments on my posts occasionally. This makes me jump up and down with glee! (Those of you who know what I look like, don't laugh.)*

I would love more of you to comment -- whether it's to comment about a writing or to just say hi and introduce yourself. I'd especially like you to introduce yourself, because I have discovered that I have readers from Germany, France, Portugal, Poland, Hong Kong, the Ukraine, and of course the US. I'm not used to people reading what I write -- I'm from academia.*

So feel free to comment -- preferably with your name and a little about you.***

* If you don't know what I look like, I'm a 53-year-old American woman. You're allowed to use your stereotypes in visualization. You're allowed to laugh, too.
** Do people outside of academia get this joke? Just wondering.
***Your name will not be sold to any mailing lists.


  1. I enjoy reading your blogs. I tell you things that i think of when i read what you wrote. I try to tell you things that i think would be helpful if I were the writer.
    In addition you as a teacher and as a friend helped the young me (Lanetta)understand that i was smart and had the ability to understand difficult theories, and apply them to practical situations. You liked me for me and it did not matter to you that my family was poor and not well thought of in the community. You were not from maryville so you not know that i was a social piriah and you didn't know the mental horror that i endured for all those years. For all that i am grateful and I try my best to give back to you in some small way.

  2. I really appreciate having you drop in! I totally appreciate your analytical nature and think it's contributing well to this blog (just as it did when we worked on that survey together). As for not knowing you were poor -- if I had known you came from a poor family it would have changed nothing in my eyes. (And I had my own mental horror, as I think you know, having been ostracized and bullied for being "different". Small towns can be intensely evil, as you can tell from reading Statute of Limitations). Some of us grew up in these hellish places and nobody saved us. We grow stronger and come to understand it wasn't our fault, but we'll always carry a bit of that baggage. I deal with it by writing.

    Please stick around and keep responding -- expect me to ask you to play with short writing exercises occasionally :)

    1. I will absolutely continue to ready and comment on your blogs. I do enjoy fb but for me is seems to lack intellectual stimulation. That is something that I seem to crave. Your blog provides that for me. When you write and request feedback it gives me the arena to explore and flex my natural tendency to question and challenge the material. Believe it or not a lot of people don't like it when I do that. So I often edit my initial response to a very watered down version of my original thought. I enjoy reading your blogs and I like the opportunity to give my comments. Often when I read books I sometimes find my self thinking to my self that the book would have been better if......


I believe that everyone here comes with good intent. If you come to spoil my assumptions by verbal abuse, excessive profanity, spam or other abuses I had not considered, I reserve the right to delete your notes or delete your participation. I am the arbiter of what violates good intent.