Saturday, April 7, 2018

Odds and Ends

I just submitted an empty post. OOPS. Let's fix this.

I'm here again thinking of the NaNoWriMo method of writing -- let the words flow freely; take time later to edit. I'll be honest, I don't know any other way to write. I try to wordsmith on the run, and that is largely a function of being a person who likes colorful words. For editing, I tend to have to make two passthroughs in the hope of being thorough enough; when I'm very familiar with something, it's hard for me to see flaws in plot or characterization.

I sometimes wonder what will make me feel like a real writer, short of being published. I have to seriously consider that again, now that I am getting agent rejections on Voyageurs. I need to feel some sense of accomplishment, and "I wrote a book" isn't enough. I'm thinking about how I can write just for me and feel that sense of accomplishment.

I literally do not know what's happening with my Kindle Scout campaign. I have seen two days of data. I am missing the last four days. I wrote a letter to them twice, and they assure that this will not affect my eligibility if I get enough nominations, but what if the missing data includes the magic 48 hours of hot and trending? If they can't get it back, it will certainly affect my eligibility, unless they want to automatically slot me in. That would be nice.

For what it's worth, my Kindle Scout campaign can be found here:

If you're so inclined, nominate it in case Amazon isn't losing the data here...

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