Tuesday, September 5, 2017

Self Images.

I am a whirlwind, awhirlwind, doling out fire and storm.
Wretched, I hold my head as I type this.
I ask you the question, "Tell me your meaning." I hold you to the answer.
You watch me stride across the classroom, my hands shaping a concept as I speak.
My dimples show when I smile over my glasses at you.
You can't stop looking at me. You can't stop wondering. You don't know why.
In my office, there is a collection of stuffed toy Internet-famous cats.
I clutch the railing, lest my leg gives out.

Tell me your meaning. All of your meanings.
If you can, you can create three-dimensional characters.


  1. I like this....there is a sense of desperation that I am sure you feel when you are trying to gage the reaction of the students when you are teaching.
    When you tell the reader that all eyes are on you...i got a sense of how you must feel so alone when you teach. I can see why you liked people to engage with you when you were teaching.
    This is Lanetta

    1. I hadn't thought about the desperation, but you're right -- it's certainly there.
      You frame it in terms of teaching, because that's much of the imagery here, and the other imagery isn't clearly not from there -- and you're absolutely right. The thing I get frustrated most about in teaching is passivity -- people not engaging with the material, not letting themselves get aha reactions, not playing with the material.
      I'm much the same in the rest of my life. I get frustrated with people seeing me only fitting in one box (which is unrealistic -- that's what people do.) I get frustrated with long conversations that don't get past "And how is your week", even though I'm told they're necessary. I was one of those kids who liked playing "truth or dare" and all those deep connection - soul-baring games from high school and undergraduate years.
      I knew a college counselor once who told me she could get to the true nature of a student's distress in one question: "Tell me what has broken your soul". "Tell me your meaning" is my version of that one sentence in hopes of learning who people really are.

  2. I never liked small talk or those stupid ice breaker games. If I 2ant to know something about a person I will just ask them. I prefer silence to meaningless chatter. I am very direct...which makes some people uncomfortable. I never understood the reason for wasting 20-30 minutes on conversation that leads to nothing. When i have a comment or a question I will just express it.
    This is Lanetta


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