Friday, April 6, 2018

Day 6 Camp NaNo -- and a frustrating mystery

Day 6 Camp NaNo: I've made 10,000 works thus far, and hope to get another 2000 today. I'm pacing myself the way I would a regular NaNo, which is a 50,000-word month. Do I worry about writing too fast? Not really -- the first draft is there to get the ideas down on paper, and then there's editing. Lots of editing. Sometimes you realize that no amount of editing will save your book, such as when I finally gave up on Gaia's Hands after the Kindle Scout campaign. Maybe I'll write that whole book over from scratch some day. 

The mystery has to do with the fact that my Kindle Scout stats haven't updated in three days. So last time I saw stats, I had 524 hits and no hours in hot and trending. That's what I have now, because three days' data is not showing up. Someone answered my email and said, "Thank you for reporting the problem, we will look into it."

So I'm a little annoyed and a little paranoid (see what I did there?) If the data didn't transfer is one thing, but if the data went missing entirely, I may have made the hot and trending list and never known it, in which case I would not win to the next step and I would not get published under their plan when I rightfully deserved it. 

So Dear Universe, cut me a break. 

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