Sunday, April 29, 2018

Seed starts

It's gardening season.

I have spent the whole dreary winter working in my basement greenhouse planting seeds, most of which have grown into cute little seedlings (or in the case of tomatoes, eggplant, and peppers, big monsters.)

I'm trying to find places for all of them in my yard. This is a good problem to have.

I've had far worse years for plants. The only seedlings I completely lost were hyssop, purple mitsuba, and Canadian garlic. Most of the herbs that I'd planted last year survived the winter; the exceptions were parsley and rosemary (the sage and the thyme are fine).

I can't plant the monsterous tomatoes, pepper, and eggplants out till Mother's Day, nor can I plant their overly abundant basil companions, but I have lots of baby perennials that, in the worse case scenario, can put up with a little reemay over them. Basil thyme and savory; campanula, pinks and yarrow; hablitzia; the humongous perilla (who knew?)

I don't know if I said this before, but all the things I plant need to be edible in at least one part -- the rampion has edible roots; the cardoon has edible leaf stalks as does the surprising fuki that I planted two years ago and just saw peek up from the ground yesterday.

Someday, I will have the urban Garden of Eden I've always wanted.

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