Saturday, April 18, 2020

Lost Rituals

It's Saturday, and most of the snow has melted. The apple blossoms, however, are not coming back, so there will be no apples this year. It's symbolic, I think, for all the rituals of American life which will be put on hold this year because of the coronavirus -- graduation ceremonies, weddings, birthday parties. Burials go on, but funerals do not. 

I worry about not having these rituals, especially the rituals of transition like college and high school graduations. Without these types of rituals, we feel rudderless, out of sorts. We need a recognition of what we've accomplished and where we're going.

At the college, our students won't go through graduation until fall, if we are even out of shelter-in-place by then. Our retiring faculty and staff will get no parties. 

I suspect that our changed situation will be temporary, but that temporary could be as long as a year and a half. A cohort of people will not have their rituals to cling to, will feel rudderless, bereft. And although it is a small pain compared to the real possibilities of losing a family member, I will still mourn it with you.

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