Sunday, April 19, 2020

A Sunday Morning in the Age of COVID

(There was to be a picture here, but for some reason I can't get my pictures to mail to me.)

Sunday mornings in my house: 

This much hasn't changed: Classical music in the background -- today it's an album of violin concertos. 

Coffee -- currently we're drinking a store-bought coffee; usually we drink beans that Richard roasts himself. 

Cats -- there are four, although one seldom comes upstairs. One of them, Girlie (the patched tabby with the attitude) is sitting next to me. She helps me get my work done.

Now, in the time of COVID: Breakfast is usually cereal, but in the quarantine I've discovered that I like playing with sourdough starter, and so sourdough bread as french toast is the featured meal of the day. I will make more sourdough bread later. I've named my starters: Marcy is a Polish whole wheat starter, Horatio is a home-captured wild yeast, and MarcyxHenrietta is an accidental batch that got spiked by the yeast water known as Henrietta.

My computer -- I work on my writing on Sundays. Normally, I would be on my way to the cafe to write for a while. Now I write in a corner of the living room, burgundy and gold. I hate to be far from the action, which is part of why I used to write at the coffee shop. I miss the coffee shop.

The view through the window -- all the snow from the freakish snowstorm has melted, and the sky is a blue-grey. I need to get out, even if it's just a trip in the car to the local park.

Today, for some reason, feels like Easter (which it is for the Orthodox faiths) and I have hope that we will rise from this pandemic a more thoughtful people.

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