Tuesday, April 21, 2020

The Incomplete Dev Edit

Right now I'm adding for chapters to the beginning of Prodigies, in order to reveal the character better and capture more of the spirit of Save the Cat (in other words, placing the character in her before life, setting a theme, introducing a debate).

What frustrates me is that this book went through a dev editor, and I in good faith thought that I had done what I needed to in the book, only to be tipped off by a thoughtful agent who rejected me: "I loved the beautiful description you started with, but I lost interest in the characters." I had to figure out for myself, given what I recently learned about plotting from Save the Cat, what I needed to do. This is something I couldn't have figured out myself, given my familiarity with the characters, and something I needed the dev editor to pick out for me.

I'm ashamed that I sent this out to query with this kind of flaw in it. I have found similar flaws in other books of mine -- I start right into the action, and apparently this is bad. 

I wish someone had told me.

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