Wednesday, April 8, 2020

Day 42 Lenten Meditation: Resilience

The human race owes its survival to resilience.

We face the deaths of people around us. We face mental illnesses. We face betrayal by our loved ones. We face pandemics and war, and we get beaten down by these events.

Most of us, however, rise back up, and that's resilience.

Resilience is more common than we need, but it doesn't happen in isolation. Resilience is fostered by community, by people who care. Resilience needs other people.

It is unfair to ask someone to rise up if you're not willing to be there for them. The elderly are too often isolated from life-saving emotional support in this country. Children are left alone in abusive situations.  The mentally ill are shunned.

If we want to survive as a people, we need to be there for each other. It is our legacy as humans to foster resilience in each other. 

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