Monday, April 6, 2020

Day 40 Lenten Meditation: Cry

I don't cry often. I don't know whether it's because I'm a basically strong person, or because my bipolar medications keep me calm. But I feel the tears lurk, looking at the world's situation under COVID-19. 

Highly contagious with about a 2% death rate. That seems small -- 98% will survive it -- until you look at the number of people in the world. As of this morning, there have been 9100 deaths in the US, half in New York City. And there's no end in sight despite sheltering in place.

I'm feeling discouraged, and I normally have faith in our ability to surmount nearly everything. I feel tears come to my eyes as I read the news. I don't read the news much, because of this feeling of despair, the reality of the numbers which still conceal the human cost. 

I can't quite cry. If I could, I think the sadness would pass for a while, because crying is healing. Crying is like a good thunderstorm, giving us release from the sadness. A good loud cry is what I need right now. I'm not there yet.

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