Tuesday, April 28, 2020

Musing on Mortality

In the pandemic, I'm thinking of my own mortality.

I'm 57 years old with a spate of minor health problems. I'm of the age where I start to fit into higher risk categories. Given my age, I'm closer to the thing that's going to kill me than I used to be. If it's not coronavirus, it will be something else.

I'm trying to come to terms with this. It doesn't help that 70s music reaches deep into my soul and connects with my childhood, and it's almost 50 years old, or that I actually find myself saying "I don't like today's music." (That's not totally true; I love ambient and electronica, Beirut, and modern singer-songwriter types.)

I'm going to die someday. I've honestly never looked at it that way before. I'm going to die sooner or later. Coronavirus, cancer, heart disease, old age. I'm hoping for the latter, because I have books to edit and write. I'm hoping my death isn't painful, that it's merciful, and that I've done what I've wanted to do before then. I hope I'm ready for it, or that it catches me so much by surprise I don't have time for regret.

I don't know if there's a heaven, honestly; most conceptions of heaven seem very -- well, exclusive, like Heaven is a country club where only certain Christians can enter. (This goes with the attitude of "love everyone, even if you're certain they're going to Hell). I have fantasies about the afterlife, that it's the extended family I never knew how to have when I was younger, and we're having a big banquet in harmony. I know this is a fantasy and that the only way I will live on is in people's memories of me, unless (as I sometimes hope) my consciousness mingles with the stardust.

I try not to dwell upon this too much -- after all, I have things to accomplish and depression won't get me anywhere. Still, musing on mortality is a sign of the times.

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