Thursday, April 2, 2020

Day 36 Lenten Meditation: Acceptance

At the risk of sounding cliche, I don't think I can start this better than using the Serenity Prayer:

Lord, help me to accept the things I cannot change,
the courage to change the things I can,
and the wisdom to know the difference.

In the time of pandemic, we have a lot we cannot change. We cannot change the fact that the virus is out there or how virulent it is. We can't change that we've been put under a shelter-in-place ordinance. We can't change the shortages in the stores.  All we can do is accept.

But we can change some things. We can plan our shopping to minimize our exposure to others. We can keep our hands clean and wear masks to keep from getting the contagion. We can take care of ourselves physically and mentally. We can spread love through social media. 

How do we know the difference? After all, there are people out there breaking social distancing rules, some of whom now have COVID-19 and are regretting their actions. Their bravado didn't change the contagion. Some people are raging at the situation, which is the opposite of acceptance. Knowing the difference requires self-examination and the question "How?" How can my actions change the situation? How can my influence create a new path? If there's nothing you can do, then it's time to accept.

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