Thursday, April 16, 2020

April Snowstorm

We're under a winter storm warning. We're supposed to get 4-10 inches of snow today. In April.

The timing is all wrong. This should have happened on April 1st.

I don't know what to do but laugh, because the alternative is to scream. Isolation is starting to be a bit difficult for me, and a dump of snow when it's supposed to be Spring is just making matters worse. 

I have no choice, though, but to shelter in place during the pandemic. I have no choice but to accept that our spring is going to be bifurcated by ten inches of wet, cold fluff. I don't get a say in matters beyond my control, so I sit behind my computer and field work emails and work on improving my writing. 

But what to do with the mood -- with the tiredness, with the frustration, with the crabbiness? I'm not sure. Maybe I need to sleep more, but I get 8-9 hours of sleep a day. Maybe I need to sleep deeper. Maybe I need to get out -- oh, wait, we're on shelter-in-place and a major snowstorm is coming.

All I can do is keep  my sense of humor up and stay productive. And drink coffee, definitely drink coffee. 

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