Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Back from my journey

I'm back to Maryville, and back to my routine, changed. 

The things I forgot while living out here, far away from home: 

  • There are people who love me unconditionally, who don't seem to care that I have and have always had bipolar disorder. 
  • I know how to hug and I, as a matter of fact, love hugs
  • Time passes, but what matters endures.
I don't have too many words yet, because I am very tired still from the journey. 

I love you all.

1 comment:

I believe that everyone here comes with good intent. If you come to spoil my assumptions by verbal abuse, excessive profanity, spam or other abuses I had not considered, I reserve the right to delete your notes or delete your participation. I am the arbiter of what violates good intent.