Monday, October 14, 2019

Updates on Gaia

The latest on Gaia's Hands stuff -- I changed the timeline as I said I would, and I'm adding some of the relationship stuff in that I massacred in a previous edit. This time, though, I'm writing it in terms of what I understand their budding relationship to be -- at times frustrating and confusing but usually a matter of joy. 

I also did move Jeanne's age back to 45. I don't know why that five years makes a lot of difference, but it does. At age 45, I honestly believed I could keep up with a twenty-year-old. (In actuality, I suspect they couldn't keep up with me. Take that how you will.)  Fifty, though? That's a milestone birthday, and one with superstitious portent of old age.

I'm still far from finished, though. And I'm not sure the novel will clear 60k. (Can I publish an omnibus edition? Or be an outlier with fewer pages and get published? I just don't know.)

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