Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Sorry for the Debbie Downer

I got a big rejection last night -- CRAFT's first chapter contest. It would have provided lots of opportunity and support toward publication of a book. It was a long shot submitting, because I think they favor literary fiction and I write genre/literary crossover. 

It was worth a try. I'm trying to analyze whether the effort I spend writing and improving is worth the results. Whether the money I invest (in dev editing, in reader's fees for short fiction, for writers conferences) is yielding enough return on investment. Whether staying in writing because I've invested so much is just the sunk cost fallacy in action. 

I keep going back to writing, fancying that it will be my retirement career. But for it to be a career, I have to go someplace with it. I need to be published; otherwise it's just a hobby.

I really have to figure this out.

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