Friday, November 1, 2019

It's November First?!?

I'm sorry for not writing yesterday -- I was pretty sick.

I've been fighting a cold or something over the past two weeks, but yesterday morning it went supernova -- I ached so badly I couldn't move, I coughed constantly, had a sore throat -- so I stayed home and slept for 20 hours. 

Only to wake up on November 1st and realize -- OMG, it's NANO TIME!

So today, as promised, I have to spend at least two hours today editing*, something I have been avoiding up till now. Two hours. When am I going to do this? When?

Deep breath. I have time after 2 PM today, being that it's a Friday and all and there won't be any meetings today. And I have a place -- the Board Game Cafe.

All I need now is the initiative.

Oh, by the way, I had a poem make Submittable's Rejection Horror Stories 2019. (Mine is the poem).


* I'm a rebel this year, doing some much needed editing instead of writing something new. On NaNoWriMo, I'm lleachie.

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