Monday, November 18, 2019

I don't know where I'm going

I know I've been writing very boring posts lately, and for that I apologize. My justification (not excuse) is NaNo and projects.

What have I been thinking about lately? NaNo and projects. Ok, that's not a good start to a blog.

I've also been thinking about my relationship with writing. On one hand, I've hit some very positive rejections that have 1) given me ideas of how to improve, and 2) have said positive things about my writing. 

I might actually be taking my writing more seriously than I have before, and with that I wonder more if I can get my writing to the point where it deserves being published. I don't know if I've gotten there with my stories, and I wonder what it would take to get to that point. 

I still have some big things out there -- I have Prodigies at DAW, Apocalypse at Tor, Voyageurs in a novella contest, a submission to Pitch Wars, and -- well, I don't think I will win any of these. And I don't know what to think about this. 

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