Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Dreams vs goals

I've been pretty mellow lately about my writing, getting my enjoyment from editors telling me how to improve. This is my most noble self, but my sanguinity even in the face of rejections doesn't motivate me to push myself -- for example, I haven't sent queries lately. I haven't finished editing Whose Hearts are Mountains (although that may need a developmental editor). 

I still daydream about getting a novel published, even though I understand how hard it is, and I know I'm not a literary writer but a genre writer, and my stuff seems like it needs an endless amount of improvement ...

I need to set some goals again. I'll make them SMART goals -- specific, measurable, attainable, relevant, time-bound.

  • Write/submit 5 short stories/poems/flash fiction by December 31, 2020
  • Get Whose Hearts are Mountains into developmental edit by March 1, 2020
  • Send 50 queries for Gaia's Hands by February 1, 2020
  • Send 50 queries for Apocalypse by August 1, 2020
Note that my goals are in terms of what I will do (submit) rather than what might happen (publication). It's not realistic for me to determine someone else's actions. 

I suspect I will be successful in fulfilling these goals -- in general I'm very goal oriented. What I don't know is if they'll yield dreams come true.

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