Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Moving on to the next edit

Gaia's Hands is a done book. I will probably send it out for queries after the first of the year. For now, I want it to rest on my computer and I want to not be obsessed with it for a while.

Now to move on to edit Whose Hearts are Mountains. I don't have a lot to go by, as my dev editor is on leave. But what I have is daunting -- not enough action in the beginning. I thought I had enough action in the beginning, but now I have to figure out how to put in more. 

I used to be horrible in receiving criticism. Now I'm humble and take it with the belief that it will make my writing better. I've learned a lot, and I'm always learning more. 

I hope it's making me better. I hope it's making me good enough to be published. 

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