Sunday, October 20, 2019

On returning home

No matter how far I've strayed, I feel at home when I come back to Champaign-Urbana. It's not the landscape, which has changed so much since I've gone with all the new, taller downtown buildings, and it's not the old hangouts, which aren't what they used to be. It's the people I used to know, and how we still talk as if we just talked yesterday.

Jodi and I talked yesterday as to how convoluted our lives were and how intertwined the different groups who knew Les really were. I know of people Jody didn't know who knew Les -- I'm not expecting them to come to the wake or memorial, because they've grown away. 

How to articulate this feeling? It's like being home.

Home is a strange concept. My family doesn't feel like home since my mother died, perhaps because my mother died in the Christmas season. I feel home at Starved Rick Lodge, however, because it seems welcoming. 

I'm glad to be here, even if it's for a sad reason.

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