Wednesday, April 29, 2020

A Fresh Set of Eyes

I never appreciated the value of a fresh set of eyes until now.
I'm making some needed repairs on Prodigies right now after not looking at it for a while, and -- wow. I am finding ways to make good enough into great (I hope). 

It seems overwhelming at this point, but I know this latest edit is only making my work better. This is one of the reasons I am glad I haven't decided to self-publish -- because I'm impatient and I think my stuff is good coming out of the first draft (it's not; I just get excited about things) and I would publish before things were "right".

I love the process of learning my craft. I get so frustrated sometimes when I don't get an agent or publisher, but then I learn something new (like Save the Cat plotting) and improve my work.

I hope it's worth it. That's always the fear, that I'm spending too much time polishing something that may not get published. On the other hand, it's gratifying seeing something improve even more.

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