Saturday, April 25, 2020

Experiencing Very Little

Not much to say today. I'm in quarantine as usual. I desperately need coffee as usual. Classical music is playing in the background as usual. I'm beginning not to be able to tell the days apart, except Richard is home all day on Saturday and Sunday. The cats are being bad as usual. The view outside my window is quiet as usual. 

 Although onism is the realization that one will not experience all there is to offer, it's doubly poignant now with all the ordinary things we're missing: funerals, weddings, high school graduations. Regular schedules. Daily rituals at the coffeehouse. Extended peer groups. 

It's okay to mourn or even resent the strictures put on us at the moment. But stay safe. There's so much we don't know about the virus yet, and what we know is sobering. We need these quarantines to control the number of sick who need extraordinary measures so that hospitals don't get overwhelmed. But have your feelings, and go on practicing safe existence with social isolation, wearing masks outdoors, and handwashing.

I will never be able to experience all things in this world. But I'm making a list of what I want to experience when this is over.

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