Tuesday, November 14, 2017

Plans and plans

Barring a catastrophe -- which I don't expect, but who does? -- I should be at the 50,000 mark by Friday.  I had a fabulous writing day yesterday, with 2000 more words than I thought I'd write. (I wrote a total of 4000 words.) Then I will have met my Big Audacious Goal and made up for my failure at NaNo last year, when I had a meltdown during Trump's election as one of the millions of American women who wished we'd had been given a trigger warning.

I'll finish writing this draft until I run out at about 90,000-100,000 words. For those of you who have never written a novel, that's not as big as you think. The average science fiction book is about 100,000 words and other genres around that.

I fully expect that, on reread, this first draft will be pretty messy with plot holes, poor word choice, and lack of description. I still struggle with how much description to put into a book. The irony is that I love writing descriptive passages, but all I know about the terrain around Elko, NV (where my protagonist is currently at) is what I see on the Internet. I've hit the Internet quite a bit in this writing run, and I suspect I will some more.

I will probably put Whose Hearts are Mountains (this work-in-progress) into a hibernation when I'm done so I can look at it with fresh eyes later. My writing will probably alternate between finishing Prodigies and finding an editor for the ever important first three chapters to be sent to agents and publishers. Then I will go through another cycle of sending to agents, hoping that I will be lucky this time.

Thanks, all, for reading.

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