Saturday, November 25, 2017

Marcie's Thanksgiving

Hi, my name is Marcie, and I just turned 8! I spent Thanksgiving with my Aunt Laurie and Uncle Richard at a big hotel called The Elms. It looks kind of like a castle until you go inside, and then it looks kind of like a castle inside, only not in the big stone sort of way. They haven't decorated for Christmas yet, and they play old music -- really old music Aunt Laurie calls Sinatra.

Thanksgiving dinner was wonderful, but a bit strange. They had the turkey and the stuffing and the cranberries and the mashed potatoes and the gooey yams, but they also had salads and shrimp and this smoky undercooked salmon. I tried everything -- including too much pecan pie with lots of whipped cream. Real whipped cream.

I sat in the lobby by the fireplace for a while -- people brought their dogs indoors, can you believe it? I petted a big dog with stripey spots on it, and he leaned against me so I had to keep petting him. I tried to pet a little fluffy dog in a vest, but the owner said it was a service dog. Aunt Laurie said that the dog should have said "Service Dog" in big letters so you could see it.

They have hot tubs, cold tubs, and a place where you can walk in circles in the water. Aunt Laurie calls that a lap pool. That water's cold!  I walked two laps in it and then got too cold and hopped into the hot tub, which was hot! I guess that's why they call it a hot tub.

What they don't have is toys.  That's okay, because I brought my doll and my writing stuff.  My Barbie's chubby, and I picked her that way because she looks like my best friend Sara. And my Aunt Laurie. Lots of people are chubby. Barbie danced on the back of the couch (which Aunt Laurie said was leather) and then the wedding party strolled through with white and black dresses, and I thought it would be cool if the big dog was best man and the little dog was the ring bearer. Nope, they had little kids doing that.

Did I have birthday cake and presents, you ask? Nope, not yet. My birthday's not till Sunday and my mom does birthday things. I think my mom is going to get me art supplies like I asked -- not fingerpaint but paper and colored pencils and a coloring book with cats. And a cat! I get to pick her up (all cats are girls, by the way) from the Humane Society Monday.

Gotta go -- Aunt Laurie's walking over to the coffee shop like a zombie -- BRAIIINS! -- and I want to watch her order coffee!


  1. I love Marches outlook on life. I think that you might consider writing a novel about Marcie from her perspective. She is fun, enterjetic and precocious!!!! This is Lanetta

    1. Wow! That appeals to me. A lot. I could see her solve a mystery or something.


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