Monday, November 13, 2017

Once upon a time

My goal was 2000 words today. I'm already at 3000, and I might get more done today.


Thought on my mind:

Once upon a time, I had a muse.

What is a muse? In Greek mythology, they were the go-to goddesses of the Arts. There were seven, one for each of the Greek arts. In popular imagination, they are people who inspire artists, writers, and the like. Muses are usually women, but only because women do not take their birthright as artists to claim a muse. I am not like other women; I will have my muses.

Once upon a time, I had a muse.

Why did I want a muse?

There is a type of energy one can only get from a giddy affection for someone. It's an affection that has no future, has no lust, has nothing but regard for the other person and -- oh, the beauty! The beauty of that person!

It's pure ludus, as the Greeks would term it -- an infatuation that would only shatter were reality to intrude. It's embarrassing, painful, and distilled into perfection when the person merely utters, "hi".

When that person says "I'm following your progress", then that person becomes a muse. That ludus energy gives a creative boost that's like being high on the pictures behind your eyes.

Once upon a time, I had a muse.

Who is my muse?

I will never tell you. I will never tell him.

Once upon a time, I had a muse.

Notice that phrase is in past tense. My muse has gone.  All I can do when a muse disappears is let him go, and hope he forgives me.

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