Thursday, November 30, 2017

Going back and editing early

My final total for NaNoWriMo is 74,171 words -- but the novel, Whose Hearts are Mountains, is not yet done. I'm actually going back to what I've written already and editing before I write the last section -- in this case not subtracting, but adding foreshadowing, correcting details and making the earlier parts consistent with what I learn about the character later.

Why am I doing this instead of plowing ahead and going back later? Because the things I want to correct are bugging me. Like what signs do we have that Anna has the push-pull of a human side (wanting touch and contact) and Archetype sign (reserved, not emotive)? Not too much. Do we know about her stepfather's past? No, but hoo boy, I discovered it yesterday and it's big. Do we know why her natural father is so broken? No, I need to put that in. Do I have the chronology right? I hope so, because I'm really bad with time.

I hope this busts my writers' block. I hope this makes me feel better about this novel. I need coffee now -- today's coffee is Costa Rican Tarrazu, roasted last night.

1 comment:

  1. Keep going and moving forward!!!!
    This is Lanetta


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