Thursday, November 16, 2017


My seven-year-old honorary niece, Marcie, asked me if she could teach you about satisfaction, so here goes:

"Satisfaction, Aunt Laurie says, is a type of happy. I like the word 'happy' better. There are different types of happy, and they make you feel different ways. There's big wow happies, there's little fluffy happies, and there's the 'I'm so happy the tiger didn't eat me' happies.

"The thing is, how you get the happy makes a difference in how you feel the happy.  If you want to do something like write a book, and you finish the book, you're like 'Wow! Big happy!'. But the next morning you're like 'ho hum, time to find something else big to do.' It's like eating ice cream -- you want real food a couple hours later after you weren't hungry for dinner. But if you have something you want to get good at, and you do it all the time and get better and better, you feel this little warm glow and it lasts a long time. So getting better at something isn't as yummy but it keeps you full longer, like oatmeal with raisins and honey -- not as sweet, but it lasts longer in your tummy.

"Aunt Laurie just typed 50,000 words -- that's a lot of words! -- and so she won something she calls NaNo. But this morning she woke up and said, 'Now what? I met my goal!' Then she looked at her computer and said, 'I still need to learn how to write better, so I'm going to keep practicing and maybe someday I'll get published!'

"The End!"

1 comment:

  1. There are different feelings of satisfaction that you feel for the good things in your life. Levels of happiness is an interesting concept.


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