Sunday, November 5, 2017

Big Audacious Goal part 2

I told myself I wouldn't post today until after I got my other 4000 words written for the weekend. It's 10:40 AM Chicago time, and I've completed my word assignment. Yippee! Yahoo! Oh Boy! Time to rest!

As I mentioned yesterday, writing 4000 words was onerous. It felt like crawling down the street with three dead moose tied to my waist and the goal of reaching Pumpkin Center ten miles down the road. Without knee pads. And the moose has been dead for a while.

I don't know why yesterday was so difficult -- except that I had put up a psychological barrier of writing 1000 words a day more than I'd been writing. Today, I woke up knowing that I had written 4000 words the day before, so I didn't feel the burden.

I am not writing any more today. As it is, I dream nothing but this book for the moment.

Thanks for following me.


  1. Good for you for accomplishing your goal!!! It always feels so good to reach a goal that you set for yourself. It was such an amazing feeling when I crossed the finish line of my first half marathon. This is Lanetta.


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