Thursday, January 7, 2021

Yesterday's Coup Attempt

 I don't really want to write this today, because I already have nightmares from the events at the US Capitol yesterday, but it needs to be written:

Yesterday's insurgence at the capitol was an attempted coup led by our outgoing president, who irresponsibly egged on a mob to do his bidding and then pretended that he had not. 

The US has always prided itself on being "too good" for anti-democratic actions, yet many of us far away from Washington DC saw what was coming. With a demagogue for president, one who has shown little inclination toward anything but megalomania, this was inevitable. But it turned out worse than we thought. 

It's scary living in the US right now. It's less scary, given that Congress has affirmed the electoral college vote, but I'm afraid we haven't seen the last of these traitors given that both houses and the presidency is Democrat for the next two years.

I hope someone sees fit to invoke the 25th Amendment (removing a president from office due to unfitness to serve) even if it's only 13 more days till inauguration. 

I wondered how I would take watching a mob-rule coup attempted. Now I know. 

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