Sunday, January 3, 2021

My Vision Board

I made a vision board on Canva. I've printed it out and am waiting for it to come in the mail so I can stick it to the back of the door.

A vision board shows images of where one wants to be. Mine is based on two visions: health and writing. 

I'm hoping that putting it on the back of the door will engrave these habits in my mind.

I think I'm doing well so far with three of the four -- I'm writing, I'm plotting my next query session, I'm eating my fruits and vegetables -- but the walking is hard to do. 

I have a treadmill in the basement, but I like walking outside better. Outside is a winter wonderland as in "I wonder where all this ice came from?" and my ice grippers are broken, so a good lap or two around the block isn't happening right now. 

I don't know if vision boards work. I don't know if I'm pushing my vision board enough. My goals seem pretty prosaic. There's no vision of going on a tropical vacation -- but I don't want a tropical vacation. My biggest dream is to win the Powerball, but my life will become so complicated as a result, and it's a dream for which I cannot make a plan. 

Plus, I don't think that vision boards are all about wishing for the results as much as motivating for the results. No matter how hard I try, I will not win the Powerball by anything but luck. But I know I can make things happen, and all I need is a reminder of my priorities.

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