Saturday, January 16, 2021

Once again, writers' block

I'm making progress on Gaia's Hands, BUT. I just got to the second half, and inspiration is not sitting over my shoulder and whispering ideas in my ear. I am currently in search of a muse, because I bid the last one farewell (it was time). 

I know why the block is happening. I'm writing a romance novel, and this is the part of the book where everything goes south and ... I have trouble writing breakups, even if I assure myself they'll get together three chapters later (there's actually a formula for romance novels. But there is also a formula for all good novels, supposedly. Google "Save the Cat" for details). 

It's the weekend, and I'm alone most of the day, so I want to write. I'll set a modest goal -- 1000 words and/or at least 2 hours editing a day. I think I'll need to lay down some backbone notes to get this going.

Wish me luck.

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