Wednesday, December 30, 2020

Goals for the New Year

 I don't make resolutions for the New Year because resolutions are flimsy. They are usually worded vaguely. They're often worded in results (which may not be realistic), and they're not worded in a way that suggests the actions that need to be taken.

So once again (I think I've written about this before), I reach out for SMART goals. SMART stands for:

  • Specific
  • Measurable
  • Attainable
  • Relevant
  • Time-bound.
So let's take one common resolution (and one of mine, actually): To lose weight in 2016. What's wrong with it?

There are so many things wrong with it. How many pounds a week? What is the process by which one will do it? What's the time parameters? Why is this focused on the result (weight loss) and not the action (Changed habits)? Is it realistic? With no real parameters it can set someone up for failure.

We can change the goal to action-oriented: I will eat healthy and exercise. 

Now, it's not specific enough; let's change it -- I will eat two fruits and two vegetables a day and walk every day, working my time up to half an hour daily by increasing my walk five minutes a week.

 But there's no time parameters. so let's add them.: Starting January 1, I will eat two fruits and two vegetables a day and walk every day, working my time up to half an hour daily by increasing my walk five minutes a week for the rest of the year, to be evaluated monthly.

This is a SMART goal. It's easily followable, easy to see if it's not working and needs adjusted. 

So my goals for the year (not resolutions): 

  • Starting January 1, I will eat two fruits and two vegetables a day
  • Starting January 1, I will walk every day, working my time up to half an hour daily by increasing my walk five minutes a week, for the rest of the year, to be evaluated monthly.
These are typical resolution goals, but then there's my writing goals broken down:
  • By March 31, I will send 50 queries out for Apocalypse to science fiction/fantasy agents from Query Tracker. 
  • By October 31, I will send 50 queries out for Prodigies to science fiction/fantasy agents from Query Tracker.
  • By March 1, I will finish the rough draft for Gaia's Hands.
  • By June 1, I will revise the rough draft of Kringle in the Night
  • By August 1, I will put the final touches on Kringle in the Night
  • By September 30, I will prepare Kringle in the Night for publication -- formatting, copyright, and cover production; To be published by November 1.
  • By December 1, I will have three short stories written.
It's good to have all this written out, because it will be easier to accomplish. Now to get the vision board built, because I will need it by January 1. 

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