Monday, January 6, 2020

An Epiphany (Personal Development)

Happy Epiphany!
In the Christian calendar, today is the Epiphany, which I guess has to do with the Three Wise Men meeting Jesus. I'm nowhere near a devout Christian, so I think of this as the night some good friends hold a Twelfth Night party, complete with flaming pudding.

What is an Epiphany?
According to Wikipedia (yes, I went there) the definition of epiphany is "an experience of a sudden and striking realization." (Wikipedia, 2020).

How to Recognize an Epiphany
Imagine you're thinking about an issue that vexes you. Suddenly you have an "aha" and the explanation for the problem suddenly hits you. From there, a solution comes quickly.

Epiphanies take the form: "Oh, that's why!" or "I get it now." Or even, "Well, shit, it's staring me in the face."

Epiphany and the Writer
Writing is full of these sudden realizations. Insight into a character, a revelation about a story line, a clue to the action -- all are epiphanies that writers cherish. Creativity and innovation come from these aha reactions. 

A Happy Epiphany!
Whether you're a writer or not, here's wishing you a happy epiphany!

Wikipedia (2020). Epiphany. Available: 
[January 6, 2020]

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