Monday, January 13, 2020

Stretch Goals (Personal development)

A Reminder: All Goals Should Be Smart
I know I've talked about SMART goals -- all our goals should be Specific, Measurable, Action oriented, Realistic, and Time-bound. It's good to write these down to have something to refer to and direct your energy.

Stretch Goals!
But what if we fulfill those goals? We need new goals, and we want them to continue the progress of the met goals. Stretch goals are these next level of goals. They should be as we're nearing success in the first tier of goals, so we can build them using the momentum we currently have.

  • I am nearing 1000 followers on Twitter. Now I would like to see 2k. I now plan I will acquire 2000 followers by June 1 through a combination of getting my name out there by making and following and liking posts, and following others. 
  • I have just finished the developmental edit stage of my WIP. My next stage is to find beta readers, then collect their comments and edit some more. (This goal has not reached SMART goal status; notice I haven't developed it enough to make it SMART)
What now?
Look at your goals. What's the next step? Start plotting that! 
If you want help with that or SMART goals, drop me an email at

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