Wednesday, January 8, 2020

Part 2 Developmental Edit (Personal Development)

"That wasn't so bad, was it?"
After a certain amount of hyperventilating at the sheer length of the developmental edit notes, I took a deep breath and dipped my toe into the first chapter. It really wasn't bad with a two-screen setup so I could go back and forth between comments and book. I made it halfway through the second chapter before my eyes started bleeding. Only 29 chapters to go.

Procrastination is not my friend
Honestly, I'm my own worst enemy with these edits. It goes back to my dissertation, where I sat on a major edit for six months, because I thought I couldn't fix it. It was easy to think that, what with comments like "why should I care about this?" I finally approached the professor who made the remarks, and she said, "Oh, that's simple. Just explain the importance of it." I did not respond with "Why didn't you tell me?! because I was a lowly grad student and she was a tenured professor.

In praise of dev edits
I have a long ways to go on fixing my work in progress, but I wouldn't go without the dev edit. I have trouble looking critically at my work -- I'm either too critical or not at all, and I sometimes get overwhelmed by the sheer number of words. So I need help in the form of an educated set of eyes.

I'm looking forward to seeing more of my work blossom under edit.

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