Monday, January 27, 2020

Words and Music (Essay)

The Words are Important
I'm listening to Counting Crows to wake me up, immersed in Adam Duritz' (is that possessive right?) lyrics. He paints images, moods, scenes, describing without telling. I want to write like Adam Duritz, but I have to settle for writing like myself. 

Another band I immerse myself in is Dream Theater, which might be on the opposite pole as Counting Crows, but the words evoke a sharp-focus world where people fight internal battles.

Making Room for the Music
I understand the music is important, also, in communicating the mood of the songs. Counting Crows' roots rock sensibilities invoke moodiness, while Dream Theater's wall of intricate metal and dissonance convey the intellectual alienation of their music.

I'm a word person -- as a writer, this is expected. When I was an unknown singer-songwriter in my home town (before I divorced my guitarist 25 or so years ago), I wrote lyrics to his guitar compositions. I try to understand the music part, but I don't really get how music can carry mood. I am willing to learn. 

Tell Me Your Favorite Lyrics
If you have favorite lyrics, tell me about them and why they grab you!

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