Friday, January 10, 2020

Twitter as #writingcommunity (Personal development, Social Media for Writers)

Oh, that's how you do Twitter!
I just wanted to announce that I've figured out Twitter. I even pinned a tweet!

#writingcommunity is my Favorite Place
I have fallen in love with Twitter, especially the #writingcommunity.

Why have I fallen in love with #writingcommunity?
#writingcommunity Twitter is different than mainstream Twitter (although I don't have much knowledge of other specialty Twitters). It's surprisingly social. Some of the discussion is about writing, but some of it is simply "tell me how your day went."  It uplifts, commiserates, and makes people laugh.

One of the activities in #writingcommunity is following each other.There are two reasons: one of the purposes of Twitter for writers is to add to one's "writer's platform" or media presence. One of the things many publishers and agents ask is about your writing platform, because that means potential buyers for your book. The more important part, though, is the interaction I mentioned above. 

Is #writingcommunity for you?
If you're a writer or an aspiring writer, a thousand times yes! Think about it -- you have thousands of people who are good with words. Playing with words is a natural consequence. You have people with writing as a commonality; they'll talk about writer's block and rejection.

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