Wednesday, May 29, 2019

Excited about Editing

I really want to get done with my work today (readings for online class, taking the Introduction to National Incident Management System course and exam, driving to Kansas City, visiting an intern). I REALLY want to get done with my work today.

I'm very excited about where Gaia's Hands is going.

I knew there was something wrong with it before, but I didn't know what. But after editing Apocalypse and understanding that it got into the plot too quickly, I realized that Gaia's Hands needed buildup in the early chapters as well, but in its case, the beginning meandered and the plot appeared out of nowhere.

So I'm excited about the editing. I'm excited about seeing what is possible for the book now that I have a handle on editing. There's going to be a bit of editing. 

But I'm looking forward to editing.

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