Friday, May 24, 2019

Discipline in a time of busyness

I might write irregularly over the next few days, as I am traveling to a conference in Washington DC to present a poster. This is for my day job, being a professor of human services and the internship coordinator for the department.

This summer is proving busier than I had counted on. Evidence:
  • Richard and I have two moulage gigs this summer, one in August and one right around the corner on June 4-5th. 
  • I have twenty interns to supervise; next week I'm spending an overnight in Kansas City to visit two or four of them.
  • The garden! It's not quite done yet; I'll be spending next Tuesday finalizing it. 
  • The summer class I'm taking (Management of Disaster Mental Health, which is more interesting than I thought) rolls right along like a Mack truck, and I'm working hard to keep it from rolling over me.
  • Writing? Writing! I almost forgot about that! I will write any chance I get -- if nothing else, I'll write in the blog at least once.

It's all about discipline. I am a writer because I keep the discipline to write. I write at least the half-hour a day it takes to maintain this blog, and hopefully at least an hour of writing/revising a day. 

I notice myself improving, and that's a good thing.

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