Friday, May 31, 2019

Growing as a Writer

Gaia's Hands, the novel I've gone back to revise, was my first novel, and it's been a problem child since its conception. I have amended it, added to it, subtracted from it, tried it as a novella, and still it's been not quite enough.

It's always seemed like a small novel, one in which not much happened, even though a lot happened. A novel in which a relationship developed and then, after a few chapters, Jeanne's getting persecuted by her department, and then ... 

Almost like there were two halves of the book -- first half relationship and second half disaster.

Why didn't I figure this out sooner? 

I've been growing as a writer. Those rejections from agents and publishers have helped me to seek out improvement. My dev editor, Chelsea Harper, has helped me to see where I can improve. The rewrites have helped me to see what I can become.

I don't know that I would have gone through this process of improvement if I'd gone straight to self-publishing. I'm glad I have to work hard for my dream.

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