Today marks my 250th entry in this blog.
I'm really surprised. Previously, blogs I have started have generally lasted about two entries before I didn't know what to write anymore. I think this is mostly because they were just journaling, out loud, when I was feeling bad about something. They weren't so much blogs -- they were emotion dumps, and I was so embarassed by them I couldn't let them continue.
My husband and I (mostly my husband) kept a blog together once. This was more of a journal about our lives -- "This is what happened today". I think the reason we quit writing that blog was Facebook, which is largely a forum of short-form "This is what happened today" essays. Facebook proves that we are all writers at heart.
I tried something new with this blog. A combination of observations about writing, essays about writing skills, and personal works, this blog strives to talk about what it means to be a writer, and that one can be a writer in spirit without ever publishing. I hope I have done what I set out to do.
Thank you for reading!
I like how you have created a different forum with your blog. It ignites memories and invites discussion.
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