Saturday, January 27, 2018

A Writing Day

I think I'm ready to have a writing day at the local Corporate Coffee. I'm ambitious about it right now because it's a Saturday and the only other thing I must do this weekend is plant a flat of tomatoes, peppers, and eggplant. I'm cautious about it because I'm on a new medication with the usual bevy of unusual possible side effects, and I'm still coming off the depression. But sometimes I fake it till I make it.

I'm going back to adapting/changing/editing Whose Hearts are Mountains. The concepts I get to play around with are: How do you survive undetected through centuries, even millennium, if you're effectively immortal? What tradeoffs are there for effective immortality, higher physical capabilities, and the ability to talk to each other telepathically? How do you relate -- if you do -- to humans? What "tells" are there that might give you away? What if you were one of these mythical beings and you didn't know it? How would you react if you find out? Most of this is character, not plot, which figures. I love my characters most of all.

I don't know if I will send any more queries out, to be truthful. Or if I do, where will I send them, because I've gone at least halfway through the fantasy agent list with only rejections to show. I'm still not considering self-publication, because the irony is that if you've self-published, you won't be able to get that book published mainstream. I'm reconciling myself with the possibility that the world doesn't need my books. But I will write anyhow.


  1. It is hard to say but write to satisfy your own desire.
    This is Lanetta

    1. I think that's what I'm going to have to do, Lanetta. That's how I started -- whether poetry (I started writing poems in third grade because a teacher I otherwise loathed taught us poetry techniques), or short fiction (I started writing short fiction in sixth grade because I had a crush on Greg Kofoid), or novels (I participated in NaNo to see if I could write a novel, and it stuck), I've done it for myself. I don't know if I have the hustle to get published anymore, so I think I will write for myself.


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