Right now, I'm considering going back to Whose Hearts are Mountains -- not to finish it up yet, but to sit down and look at the 70,000 words I've already written to see how I can balance the travelogue through a post-Collapse United States with the protagonist's personal reactions -- and field notes, because Annie IS an anthropologist.
I also have to make it plausible that the myriad of "incidents" (i.e. attacks) Annie experiences could be random malfeasances rather than the signs of a plot by Free White State's government to capture her. I'm covering this for the next book in their series. I have to make the dreams and hints hint only toward her identity as a half-human, half-preternatural creature rather than the conspiracy that will be in the next book.
I also should work on the mental health book, which is going to require some primary sources. I'm too much an academic to use the Cliff Notes of bipolar disorder, Bipolar Disorder for Dummies. (I kid you not. Not even a tiny bit.) Biological psychology and psychiatry articles don't intimidate me that much -- ok, biopsych intimidates me a bit -- it's just that there's so much "We don't know what causes bipolar, but neurotransmitters are involved somewhere" that I can read without my brain going numb.
Yes, this is a lot of work I'm doing for something that may just be for the fun of it, given my total failure to find a agent. I may take a friend's advice and try for literary fiction agents but not right now, not while I'm fighting off depression. Part of me wonders if writing, or at least putting 85,000 words into a novel (and I've done that with six so far) is a waste of time if I can't get published. I like my creations to have an audience and speak to people, just as knitters want their family and friends to appreciate the gifts of socks and hats.
This is my dilemma, the one I have to get a handle on before I write again.
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