Saturday, January 13, 2018

My plate contains a smorgasbord

I have three books I'm working on at the same time. Three.

I don't know how it came to this -- well, I do. I was working on Prodigies, a dystopic contemporary fantasy about two teens born with unusual capabilities in influencing emotions and thus actions. Because of this, they are in danger from shadowy entities who find them potentially useful. Yes, it has shades of Heroes (a TV show that played from 2006-10), but it has multiple differences, too. This might become a YA novel if I finish it.

Then, my husband and partner in crime suggested I write the 20-something-year-old idea then named "Dirty Commie Gypsy Elves" by a friend of mine. That was my NaNo project, it's since become two books and I'm working on expanding on the first so it's a novel and not a novella.

Finally there's my non-fiction/poetry/prose/story/research book explaining life with bipolar.  That project is currently called "Ups and Downs".

OOPS. I'm also editing a book on roleplayer support in disaster simulation exercises and writing two chapters of it. That's four books.

The most compelling project right now is the non-fiction item because it's creative, informative, and autobiographical. But both of the other books are begging for attention just now. Did I say I was going to quit writing because of too many rejections? (Oops, I forgot to quit.) Do I worry that my ideas don't seem to quit? (Yes, I do, a little. Is it time for a med check?) Do I still wish someone would publish my stuff so people would read it and I would have money to put into a new computer that had more storage and could handle graphics? (Absolutely.)

I guess I can't NOT be a writer.

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