Saturday, September 7, 2019

In Search of Small Happinesses

How do I kick myself out of these blahs?

These aren't bipolar blahs, they're just plain blahs. Lots of rejections, one dead cat (RIP Snowy), nothing exciting to look forward to. Except my birthday, and I have my psychiatrist's appointment that day. So lots of reasons to stay blah.

If I want to stay blah, I can rehearse my hurts and aches and pains, hoping that I can win some sort of concession from God ("Look at all this crap that's happened to me. I deserve some compensation!"). Note: It doesn't work, and it keeps me from seeing good things that could be happening. 

It's my responsibility to do what I can to get into a better mood. I wouldn't say happiness is a choice, because that's unfair to people like myself who face depression. But I can help myself until I feel better or. in the case of depression, till the meds kick in or I can talk to someone else. When I'm depressed, it's so much harder to think of these, much less do them. Work helps me connect with people, and that helps a little, as does forcing myself to write. These things don't get rid of the depression, but they take the edge off it.

What can I do? I think I've talked about this before, but I need a refresher, so here I go again:

  • Gratitude journaling -- three things I'm grateful for every night. I admit I fall behind on this, because at night I generally want to sleep.
  • Walking -- I could walk to coffee this morning. That might be a good thing.
  • Pet therapy -- with five cats, this isn't hard to do. 
  • Getting out -- I'm contemplating the Board Game Cafe, as usual.
  • Accomplishing something using my character strengths -- I have a story I'm writing which I'm not currently in love with; I can send Whose Hearts are Mountains off to dev edit; I could come up with a new story. Or submit more queries/submissions.
  • Connecting with people -- Board Game Cafe works.

So I'm off to take care of my mood.

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